The Indian Contingent

Search the Ranks

This database includes 2238 names of soldiers of Force K6. 65 of these are British, 6 are French and 2167 are Indian. One of the British names is a woman. Out of a total of 4227 men in Force K6/The Indian Contingent, this is over half.

If you find something that you think is wrong, please let us know. If you find something that relates to your family, please let us know. And if you have more information, please let us know.

My thanks are due to my daughters Alex and Hannah for helping me type in long lists, and to Omer Tarin in Abbotabad, who went through the whole list with me one evening, pointing out the likely origin of each soldier from their name.

Notes on the data

The information listed in the database is, in most cases, first name and ‘surname’, ser vice number, rank and unit. In some cases such basic information is missing or unclear. In many cases there is additional information in the ‘notes’ field.

Wherever possible I have given the source of the information.

I have generally assumed that any given soldier only had one service number, given to him at time of enrolment. There are a few examples when it is recorded that a sepoy changed his service number, for example Blacksmith Abdullah of 42nd Company changed his number from 740028 to 798984 (DGIMS 1942/3/4/F/5/42). Sometimes service numbers were mis-typed by the unit clerks (who must have been extremely busy) so you will find two numbers for some sepoys. In one case I found two separate men in the Reinforcement Unit (RU) with the same service number: 176838 – Tailor Abdul Ghani and Bootmaker Abdul Razaq.

My assumption is that numbers which are close together means that those men enlisted at the same time and place. There are long sequences of consecutive numbers on the list, for example 180624 -29 and 780951 – 57.

Search the Ranks

  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Sharif or Sharaf
    Service Number 175244
    Rank Driver
    Unit 22 Company C Troop
  • Forename(s) DB
    Surname Shaw
    Rank Lieut
    Unit 3 Company, RAVC
    Notes 24/3/43 attacked in horse ines WO 179/5902
  • Forename(s) Alam
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 85246
    Rank Driver
    Unit 32 Company
    Notes 23/12/42 joined 32 coy from 42 coy DGIMS 8/9/7/41
  • Forename(s) Alam
    Surname Sher
    Service Number R/402
    Rank Sowar
    Unit Advanced Remount Depot
    Notes 28/11/41 return from special duty WO 179/5888
  • Forename(s) Ali
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 56106
    Rank Driver
    Unit 29 Company
    Notes 2/6/40 'unable to stand a second winter in this country' 'Old age. General health weak' L/WS/1/355 f 138
  • Forename(s) Ali
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 174417
    Rank Driver
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes 27/12/39 admitted to hosp Marseille (disease NYD (VS)) WO 167/1435
  • Forename(s) Ali
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 178102
    Rank Driver
    Unit 25 Company
    Notes 10/9/41 3rd in 100yds race wilayeti Akhbar report
  • Forename(s) Ali
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 736019 or 136119 or 186119
    Rank Cook
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes early 1940 in hosp from RU WO 167/1435 6 July 1940 -‘return to the unit requested’, twice WO 179/5883
  • Forename(s) Bari
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 178785
    Rank Driver
    Unit 22 Company D Troop
  • Forename(s) Bari
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 64164
    Rank Driver
    Unit 42 Company
    Address Poonch
    Notes From Poonch, died 20/6/43 age 37, buried Kingussie CWGC
  • Forename(s) Falik
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 177142
    Rank Driver
    Unit 22 Company A Troop
    Notes on list of suspect POWs, March 45 L/WS/1/1516
  • Forename(s) Gul
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 30302
    Rank Driver
    Unit 7 Company
    Notes Aug 42 on leave DGIMS 8/9/3/1941
  • Forename(s) Karam
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 28584
    Rank Lance Naik
    Unit 25 Company
    Notes 1/9/41 on leave DGIMS 8/9/5/41
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 65696
    Rank Driver
    Unit 3 Company
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 170506
    Rank Lance Naik
    Unit 7 Company
    Notes 21/9/41 PT course 'very good' DGIMS 8/9/3/1941 7/7/42 to IGH DGIMS 8/9/3/1941
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 172933
    Rank Driver
    Unit 29 Company
    Notes 17/6/41 to IGH DGIMS 8/9/6/41
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Sher
    Service Number 177149
    Rank Driver
    Unit 22 Company D Troop
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Shumar
    Service Number 177746
    Rank Driver
    Unit 22 Company C Troop
  • Forename(s) Terence Allan
    Surname Shurlock
    Rank Captain
    Unit 29 Company
    Notes 22/10/40 joined RU WO 179/5883 24/2/41 posted 32 coy WO 179/5884 17/12/43 now Major in British Liaison HQ , visited 3 coy WO 179/5902
  • Forename(s) Gurdial
    Surname Singh
    Rank Captain
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes 1/9/42 joined RU, 18/9 posted to 42 coy WO 179/5885 18/9/42 joined 42 coy WO 179/5919
  • Forename(s) Hari
    Surname Singh
    Service Number TB 172734
    Rank Sweeper
    Unit 22 Company
  • Forename(s) Jabbar
    Surname Singh
    Service Number 27103
    Rank Sweeper
    Unit 25 Company
    Notes 21/7/41 5 days leave DGIMS 8/9/5/41
  • Forename(s) Mangal
    Surname Singh
    Service Number 175113
    Rank Sweeper
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes May 1940 in hosp from RU WO 167/1435
  • Forename(s) Narain
    Surname Singh
    Rank Captain
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes 1/9/42 joined RU, 18/9 posted to 25 coy WO 179/5885 Jan 43 with 3 coy WO 179/5902 6/4/43 joined 42 coy WO 179/5920
  • Forename(s) Rattan
    Surname Singh
    Rank Lieut
    Unit 32 Company
    Notes 19/4/42 arr RU from India, to 7 coy may 1st WO 179/5885 29/5/43 display of trick riding at Llangatack WO 179/5917 10/6/43 to London for UN Day parade WO 179/5917 20/9/43 now capt with 7 coy WO 179/5905 Mentioned in Mrs Woodhouse account in Durbar But Where did the Mules Come from? Durbar winter 2000 11/5/45 c/o 7 coy Misc 3137/H
  • Forename(s) Sham
    Surname Singh
    Service Number 799237
    Rank M/Svt
    Unit 7 Company
    Notes Aug 42 on leave DGIMS 8/9/3/1941
  • Forename(s) Waje
    Surname Singh
    Service Number 815932
    Rank Driver
    Unit 25 Company
    Notes Changed name to Shaikh Ghulam Mustafa Wilayeti date uncertain
  • Forename(s) A
    Surname Skeane
    Service Number 329899
    Rank Cpl
    Notes seconded as clerk L/WS/1/1536, doc 165 as cpl from HQ Ind Cont to CSDIC L/WS/1/1516 folio 373
  • Forename(s)
    Surname Sloman
    Service Number 124207
    Rank Driver
    Unit CN?
    Notes 3/2/41 delivered papers for Hills WO 179/5881
  • Forename(s) Charles Herbert
    Surname Stainforth
    Rank Lieut
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes Lt with RU in original K6 WO 167/1433 July 1942 - Captain, Scotland H21622
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Suleman
    Service Number 780960 or 780962
    Rank Driver
    Unit 42 Company
    Notes 27/10/41 commenced English course for drivers and L/Nks WO 179/5880 15/3/42 rejoined 42 coy from leave DGIMS 1942/3/4/F/42 4/1/43 joined 4 week 2nd English Instructors refresher course at Grantown on Spey WO 179/5881 pic 6203
  • Forename(s) JH
    Surname Sykes
    Rank Lt-Col
  • Forename(s) W or H
    Surname Thomas
    Rank 2/Lt
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes 17/5/41 joined RU from India WO 179/5884 3/8/41 posted to 29 coy WO 179/5884
  • Forename(s) Frederick Raymond Marmaduke
    Surname Thompson
    Rank Captain
    Unit Reinforcement Unit
    Notes 8/7/40 posted 32 coy WO 179/5883 died 22/9/40, buried Tidworth ?suicide L/MIL/14/143 (via Tim Hicks)
  • Forename(s) Mohd Abdul Aziz
    Surname Toani
    Rank Jemadar
    Unit IMD
    Notes 15/2/40 to IGH WO 177/2262
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Tofail
    Service Number 180985 or 180923
    Rank Driver
    Unit 3 Company
    Notes 18/11/41 3rd class english cert DGIMS 8/9/2/1941 5/1/42 on 7 week English course at Llangattack WO 179/5880 2/6/42 - 2/8/42 teacher of English and Roman urdu DGIMS 8/9/2/1941 9/7/42 promoted L.Nk DGIMS 8/9/2/1941 6/2/43 joined 3 week 3rd English Instructors refresher course at Grantown on Spey WO 179/5881 pic 6203 July 1943 – attended instructors course at RU as L/Nk WO 179/5886
  • Forename(s) D
    Surname Tudor-Pole
    Rank Lt
    Notes 23/7/43 Lt D Tudor-Pole of 186 pack tpt coy gave a ‘very good demonstration’ of defence WO 179/5898 17/11/43 now Captain & Adjt WO 179/5898 Father of tenpole Tudor
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Tufail
    Service Number 177627
    Rank Hammerman
    Unit 3 Company
  • Forename(s) Mohd
    Surname Tufail
    Service Number 181469
    Rank Driver
    Unit 7 Company
    Notes 11/8/42 to 7 coy from RU DGIMS 8/9/3/1941
  • Forename(s) Shahab
    Surname Ud-Din
    Service Number 177366
    Rank Driver
    Unit 25 Company
    Notes 27/10/41 commenced English course for drivers and L/Nks WO 179/5880 1/8/42 joined 7 coy from 47 SDS DGIMS 8/9/3/1941 4/1/43 joined 4 week 2nd English Instructors refresher course at Grantown on Spey - now 7 coy WO 179/5881
  • Forename(s) Atta
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 45944
    Rank Lance Naik
    Unit 3 Company
  • Forename(s) Aziz
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 28503
    Rank Driver
    Unit 22 Company C Troop
    Notes 2/6/40 'unable to stand a second winter in this country' 'age 32 Has had bad frostbite. Fit now' L/WS/1/355 f 137
  • Forename(s) Hadayat
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 783164
    Rank Driver
    Unit 42 Company
    Notes 3/8/42 on leave DGIMS 1942/3/4/F/5/42
  • Forename(s) Hadit
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 781602
    Rank Driver
    Unit 3 Company
  • Forename(s) Hamid
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 50780
    Rank Driver
    Unit 3 Company
  • Forename(s) Karim
    Surname Ullah
    Rank Troop Daffadar
    Unit 32 Company
    Address Rawalpindi
    Notes 10/2/40 photographed in France. from Rawalpindi F2496 14/2/40 thrown from horse & broke leg WO 167/1440
  • Forename(s) Rahmat
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 30023
    Rank Driver
    Unit 25 Company
    Notes 13/10/41 on leave DGIMS 8/9/5/41
  • Forename(s) Rahmat
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 65783
    Rank Driver
    Unit 22 Company B Troop
  • Forename(s) Rahmat
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 781259
    Rank Driver
    Unit 32 Company
    Notes 11 Jan 1942 - from RU attached to 32 coy with mules WO 179/5885 19/3/42 to RU from 32 coy DGIMS 8/9/7/41
  • Forename(s) Rehmat
    Surname Ullah
    Service Number 23597
    Rank Farrier
    Unit 25 Company
    Notes 14/7/42 recommended for Long service and good conduct medal with gratuity WO 179/5881

An incredible and important story, finally being told.

- Mishal Husain

The author

Ghee Bowman

Ghee Bowman was born in England in 1961. After careers in the theatre, education and the voluntary sector, he returned to university in 2014. He is married with two grown-up daughters, and lives in Exeter.

‘The Indian Contingent’ is his first book. His father WE Bowman wrote the noted spoof climbing book ‘The Ascent of Rum Doodle’.

Ghee is a story-teller, Quaker and a leader in the Woodcraft Folk, a voluntary youth movement for children and young people.


reproduced from the book ‘The Indian Contingent’

This book grew from my PhD at Exeter University, so I should first thank the South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership who funded me. My supervisors Gajendra Singh and Padma Anagol gave first-class guidance and advice. Nicola Thomas has been a great encourager. My fellow PhD students have been wonderful: especial mention to Sonia Wigh, Cristina Corti for the maps and Sophy Antrobus for reading my drafts and being a chum. The University Pakistani Society were great for networking and the Digital Humanities Lab helped with digitisation of photos. This book was written on the top floor of the University Library, and all the library staff deserve medals.

I have built this story on the work of archivists and librarians in five countries, who provided access to my bread and butter (original documents) and have been friendly, helpful and supportive. Thanks to all of them, with a special mention to Jo Meacock at the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow.

The Indian Military History Society, through its journal Durbar, was a great source of contacts, and Chris Kempton provided useful input. The ‘Indian Armies of WW2’ Facebook group has answered many questions.

Around the UK I have listened to many stories about the boys of K6. Paritosh Shapland’s story is in many ways at the centre of this book, and he has been very generous with his time and his resources. Yaqub Mirza’s family gave me a great lift right at the end. Betty Cresswell told me of her family’s relationship with Uncle Gian, and kindly shared her photo album with me. The late Giovanna Bloor shared everything she knew. I will cherish the memory of a day spent in her cottage under the Cnicht mountain. Paul Watkins, Mark Ashdown, Geoff Sykes and Trilby Shaw helped me along the way. Hamish Johnston drove me around the Highlands and was a great source of information. Colin Hexley was very generous with material about his father, and Shirley Sutherland introduced me to him and others in Golspie. John Barnes and Peter Wilde in Dornoch, Joan Leed, Donny MacDonald and Marlyn Price in Lairg, Marion Smith, Catriona Spence, David & Sheena Macdougall in Kinlochleven, Stewart Mackenzie, George Milne and Donald Matheson in Loch Ewe were all very helpful and welcoming. In Glasgow, Nadeem Bhatti introduced me to the Colourful Heritage project and its staff Saqib Razzaq, Shazia Durrani and Omar Shaikh. In Woking, Mohammad Zubair gave me one of the best interviews ever, Zafar Iqbal aided my networking, the mosque was very welcoming and Rabyah Khan helped get me started. Katherine Douglass introduced me to the lovely people and the extraordinary story of Etobon.

I stand on the shoulders of giants. Rozina Visram is one such – anyone writing on the South Asian presence in Britain is in her debt. I shared beers and laughs with Lloyd Price, and treasure the friendship we developed in India. Many thanks to Yasmin Khan for writing the foreword.

I am a white British man writing a story about South Asians, which throws open many possibilities of cultural misunderstandings and errors. I am grateful to Sandhya Dave, Nazima Khan and colleagues at the Global Centre in Exeter for giving me confidence and helping me learn to step around a thorny area.

My time in Pakistan would have been fruitless without Major General Shahid Ali Hamid. He offered warmth, hospitality and boundless contacts. I am forever in his debt. My friend Omer Salim Khan (Omer Tarin) was supremely hospitable and generous during my visit to Abbottabad, and even more so afterwards, commenting on the draft manuscript. Jawad Sarwana drove me round Karachi and introduced me to the wide and warm family of General Akbar, and Imran and his daughter Mahin were particularly generous with time and photos. Zeenut Ziad gave me two interviews, when her parrot would let her. Khizar Jawad was incredibly helpful in Lahore. Brigadier Asim Iqbal of the Army Service Corps gave a late rush of help. Above all, Jenny, Marcel and Luqman ensured I had a safe secure base in Islamabad, Sabur was a wonderful fixer who seemed to know everyone in the Potohari villages, Waheed drove us round those villages and Waqar Seyal was a fantastic translator and interpreter. In India, Shachi and Naveen made me welcome and helped me with my first steps in Hindi/Urdu and Rana Chhina at the United Services Institute in Delhi was extremely helpful.

For permission to use quotes, thanks to Hackett Publishing Company for the quotation from Philip Ivanhoe’s translation of Daodejing of Laozi, and to HarperCollins India for the two quotations from Raghu Karnad’s Farthest Field.

I appreciate that I haven’t included all the great stories that I heard during my research. If I’ve missed yours out, apologies. If I haven’t heard it yet, please get in touch. All errors in memory or interpretation are entirely mine.

Three people helped and inspired this writing process. My father Bill Bowman showed the way. Clare Grist Taylor believed in me and this story and gave many practical tips. My editor at The History Press, Simon Wright, was always encouraging, constructive but firm.

Three other people made it possible. My daughters Alex and Hannah helped enter hundreds of names in the database, encouraged me and (in Hannah’s case) did translations from French. Above all, my thanks and love go to my wife Rebecca. She has supported me and fed me all the way through. A wiser partner would be impossible to find.


This book needs to be on the national curriculum. The kind of story that brings us together. It would be the perfect tribute to those who fought for our freedom.

- Adil Ray, actor, writer and broadcaster

Force K6

Website credits

Technical consultant
Alex Michel-Bowman

Urdu translation
Waqar Ahmed Seyal

Hindi translation
Sonia Wigh